Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Have a smile!

So you know the quote and song my milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard well this is a comic I found and could not stop laughing!!! So have a smile!

Thursday, November 22, 2012


What are you thankful for? My list could go on and on! But I don't think you want to sit at your computer for hours ;) so I'll start with 20
1. My great family and friends
2.  My warm bed
3. A computer to blog on ;)
4. A wonderful dance teacher and studio
5. My imagination
6. My creativity
7. Grass and trees
8. Yummy thanksgiving food!
9. My flute
10. Animals
11. The ocean and the beach
12. Music
13. MUSTACHES!!! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
14.  Paint
15. Blankets and pillows
16. Flowers
17. A church and church family
18. Medicine
19. Fingers and toes
20. Slippers
Thanksgiving is the time to be thankful so send my what your thankful for in a comment and lets share what we are thankful for while we celebrate thanksgiving. It only takes a smile ;)

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Kristy Memoir

This is a memoir I wrote about my first week of dance with a new instructor. I wrote this at school so enjoy!


I stepped into the dance studio ready to work. Tonight was my first night I started by helping the first and second graders from 5:45 to 6:45 then I had one hour and fifteen minutes of break then I had my class from 8:00 to 9:15. Thoughts began to haunt me as I approached the classroom. What if they don’t stop talking? What if they don’t listen to me? Or what if they are crazy? My thoughts were interrupted by a very soft “Hello” Oops was that to quiet had I said that to quiet but I guess not because the lady standing by the stereo said, “hello you must be Natalie” “Yep that’s me!” I said “you must be Kristy” We were all informed at the end of last year that Jessica was leaving and we would get a new instructor to take her place. I didn’t really mind I never really liked Jessica that much anyways but I couldn’t have been more excited when my dance teacher Sue said that we would have the new dance teacher! I was excited for the change we got one week to get acquainted to her. Now it was my first night with her and I did not know what to expect. The girls began trickling in one by one and putting on their ballet shoes I quickly slid into my ballet shoes and stood waiting for instructions.  Kristy had the girls sit down on their numbers as she took role call it went a little like this…
“Just say here Ella”
“Oh which Ella?”
“Ella Hanner”
“Oh ok sorry now…  She completed attendance with the rest of the girls saying here when they heard their names. “Ok now that we are done with that I am Miss. Kristy and this is Miss. Natalie. “Where’s Miss Sue? Did she die?” “No it’s just that I am your teacher now so you have a new teacher this year!” “Oh” the little girl said. Next it was time to do our dance. “We will first start with stretches “ That was my job I led the girls in stretches then we went to the bar to do pleas they each started to hang on the bar and chat. Kristy saw them and said “Oh my girls drop down and give me 10!” They just kind of stared at her then one girl came up and said to me “10 what?” “I giggled and said 10 pushups!” Their eyes got real big but they dropped down and did 10… Well I don’t know what you would call them but they each did 10 of them! Soon it was the end of class so they could each gave me or Kristy a hug or a high five and they each gave me hugs clinging hugs I pried the last one off and gasped for air then I grabbed my bag and left I got in the car and my mom asked “How was it” “Oh my gosh” I said That’s all I could say I was so tired and out of breath I was looking forward to food and a break until my class. I didn’t want to teach them ever again I should have listened to my haunting thoughts I said to my self but they have gotten much better now and I look forward to teaching them each week!

Friday, October 19, 2012


Once upon time there was a girl named Ginger Pie and she loved pie! She loved pie so much that was all she wanted to eat! "How about some nice yummy oatmeal?"Her mother would ask, "NO NO NO NO NO!" She would scream "ok"her mother would say then how about some delicious wonderful cereal?" "cereal if I eat cereal I will barfeal and you don't want that now do you mothersy darling."
"No of course not darling I want the best for you but you have to eat so...what do you want?"
Ginger got up and started to dance and sing "pie pie pie all I want to eat is pie pie pie!" Her mother sighed but she wanted the best for her daughter so she got up and got her a slice of pie. That was how life went for a while pie was a member of the family!

One day Ginger woke up feeling fine she got up and got dressed and combed her hair then went downstairs for b-fast as she called it. "Good morning honey how are you feeling?" Ginger opened her mouth to say very fine thank you but when she went to speak what came out was "Boston cream pie with cream!" "Oh well we are aufly bossy this morning arent we!" Ginger didnt understand she had tried to say very fine thank you but it hadent worked! She looked up at her mother and tried to say I think there is a problem but what came out was "chocolate creme pie with milk please" "wow her mother replyd you need a lesson on manners but please Ginger make up your mind which pie you want!" Ginger thought well boston cream pie with cream does sound fine so once again she tried to say very fine thank you and she said "Boston cream pie with cream!" "Ok her mother said coming right up." Ginger cobbled down the pie and chugged down the cream. She tried to say "ok Im ready for school" But what really came out was "Raspberry tart pie with juice" "Wow her mother said "dont be this bossy at school you hear! But she prepared that for lunch and they drove to school!

Ginger was puzzled what had happend to her all day long all she could say were types of pie so she wrote a note you see she could still write to her teacher and asked for help she wrote down the case." Oh I see the teacher said well looks like you have got a strong case of piecidus a rare pie desise! Just go home and eat some carrots. So Ginger got home and ate some carrots then told her mom the whole story her mom giggled and said "wow Ginger you have some imagination as she walked away Ginger yelled but I will never eat pie ever again!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

First day of school!

I look out the car window at the school and gasp it is so big up close! South Middle School sixth grade! I stumble out of the car my legs as wobbly as jello. South Middle School sixth grade! I begin to walk twards the school wow it is a very big school but it almost looks like everyone is a little...WOAH!!!!!! I got trampled by a big stampede of seventh graders and eigth graders and yells of yo' sup' OMG IS THAT REALY YOU I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yes I actuly heard that....scary!) I walked twards the little gym feeling like a kindergardener. I walked in and almost tripped over a texter! I was like aaaaaa untill I found a group of civilized maple grovers and sat down my eyes as big as saucers and my face as pale as snow Scary(south) monster(middle) School!
I hoped that things would calm down as I approched advisory!
Was your first day this crazy? 
Let me know in your comment!
It only takes a smile
pretty in pink 

Sunday, August 5, 2012

My Family For The War

Sorry long time no blog:( I have been so busy lately finishing the most amazing books ever  called My Family For The War. It was three books in one and the author was Anne C. Voorhoeve...... However you pronounce that! The books took place in...1938-1939....1939-1940...and 1941-1945! And if you don't know what happened in those dates....GO TO HISTORY CLASS! Because the Nazi war began and ended in those dates! My book was about a girl about 11 named Franziska/Ziska Mangold who lives in Germany. Ziska is not Jewish but she had Jewish ancestors and that is enough to make Hitler hate her and her family! Ziska is growing up in a home where Nazis knocking on the door and taking what they want was normal! Ziska and her friend bekka have grown up practing jumping from a window to a tree! Eventually the Nazis take and beat her father which changed her life forever!!!! Ziska ends up having to be sent on a kinder transport/train for young children! Off on her way is Ziska Mangold to London! She meets a foster family who is wealthy and very, very nice! At first Ziska is trying to earn money for her parents but fails and just writes letters! Soon the war in book two moves to London and Ziska must move again! She is very upset she also learns of her fathers death! Will she ever be united with her family again? Will this terrible war ever end? 
Read to find out!
remember it only takes a smile
Pretty in pink!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Do you ever feel like your life goes like this? Smile pause smile pause growl smile pause smile pause? I sometimes consider this pattern may be going on in my life when I see a cute baby and you start to play with them and they smile then pause and then smile again but then when you stop the get grumpy! The pattern I think of is... Good life blessings treats and fun life then normal regular life then smiles then more smiles and then....BOOM! GRRRRRRRRRR tired grouchy and grumpy! Sometimes when life gets to sweet you begin to want it more it's like a giant bowl of ice cream every night for 1 week and when you go back to a bowl once a week you are grouchy because you want it to continue! So sometimes when that happens this is the pattern I try to follow smile pause smile pause and so forth but every once in a while it is ok to have a party and mix it up and go with 2 smiles in a row for relaxation! And remember in your life 2 things rest and smiles
Pretty in pink!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Like The Willow Tree

I just finished the book I was reading called Like The Willow Tree by Lois Lowry and it is on the Iowa children's choice award list for 2012 and 2013 It is a Dear America book and it is the diary of Lydia Amelia Peirce she is fictional but she is writing her diary in the time of 1918 when the spanish influenza rages across europe some background on the influenza is kinda like the flu and so that is spreading around the country and her mom,dad,and little sister from the influenza so her and her older brother are sent to live with their uncle and aunt her aunt is not nice and wants them gone so their uncle brings them to a special farm called the shaker farm on sabathy lake a religous family called the shakers started the farm and they are very religous and have very specific rules and when they first get there they have a ton of surprises including lydias brother runing away read to find out if she will ajust to the rules and if daniel returns!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

It only takes a smile!

 I am writing a story called It only takes a smile and I am not finished yet gut I thought I would give  a sneak preview out and when I am done you can read the whole thing any relation to any person is  coincidencial this is not a true story!

“Class I would like you to meet Binta Chiku she is joining our class from Kenya in Africa! Binta why dont you tell the class a little bit about yourself”... Hi my name is Binta and I just moved to this place called hollywood! I dont know where that is but it is toataly different from the wonderful life in africa I left. I look very different from lots of my classmates none of the girls have headscares... “Binta”? “Huh? Oh sorry mrs.Becker Hi my name is Binta Chiku and i just moved from lynkamy in kenya africa”. “ No durr”! A Girl in the back row yelled.” Lyndsay”! Mrs. Becker called. “thats no way to talk to our new student what kind of impression are you leaving to Binta”? Mean not nice not a close friend I thought. “What do you have to say for yourself Lyndsay”? “Im sorry” Grumbled Lyndsay. What a snob I thought. Well what a morning I said  aloud  “yea  the first lyndsay is never fun” A girl behind me said “who are you” I said. My name is Nicole and  dont listen to lyndsay she is just wanting to be mean! ok i said thanks for the advice! I will need every bit i can get!your welcome she said Will you sit with me and britt at lunch? Sure i said id love to! That was a good feeling to have someone that has a friend and wants me to sit by them! Crash clatter went the trays 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Natalie becomes Cathy Barwick

I have been spending the past week at the Des Moines Playhouse learning a play called Yearbook! It is a tradition at the Playhouse and is about going through the stresses and smiles and other things at school! It has been a great week! The part I am playing is a girl named Cathy Barwick. In my scene, I am fearing going to go to take pictures of a certain hallway with a gossiped name of  "the jock block".  Cathy tells her traumatizing dream she had and the scene goes through the whole thing. It is supposed to be overblown! She is in quote "brutally ordered by her yearbook editor to venture down jock block!"She is scared out of her wits. So now she is terrified to go down jock block because of her dream! It has been so fun and I have met a ton of friends. We have rehearsed a ton of lines and are excited to perform Friday afternoon!
Remember, it only takes a smile!
Pretty in Pink!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Wonderful week!

    This week was a wonderful week! I hung out with some very cute kids from church,  Max is 5 years old Tessa is 4 and Hudson is 2. Their smiley faces always made me laugh. Some smiles this week were when Max decided on the way home from the pool that the man in the parking lot was a soldier because he had a lot of tattoos. We questioned this and his reply was "Oh! I got tattoos and camoflauge mixed up!" 
    Another smile took place when Tessa always asked to sit BY me and Hudson always asked to sit ON me! One more Max smile took place when he randomly asked me if Justin BEAVER was a famous beaver and what he was famous for! I explained the idea of it being Justin Bieber and he was a human singer not a beaver! I love those kids! 
     Some fun things we did this week were... splish splash at the pool (and tell Hudson that he would not get lost forever in the waterfall mushroom!) We ran around and ate at Colby Park. Max found a slingshot (an old/lost headband) and decided it was the perfect booby trap! We made new discoveries at the Science Center and told Tessa the snakes would not bite her! 
     Our last  big adventure was  the Blank Park Zoo! That was a fun yet interesting one. Max was just in awe of the big...giant...PLAYGROUND! Only thing he found fascination in. Tessa found fascination in the door buttons and other things like that. And Hudson found interest in running and trying to attack the sea otters! And you wonder why there is glass protecting our children and animals! But in conclusion I had tons of fun with these cuties and hope you are having a amazing summer too! 
Remember it only takes a smile,
Pretty in pink 

Monday, June 4, 2012


Welcome to my blog this is a new experiment for me but I am excited to update you with my agenda and fun stuff!
My summer agenda is something I also wanted to point out it is going to be a little different this year I am not doing ymca camps anymore I will still take acting camps at the Des Moines Playhouse! But out of interest I will also be babysitting some friends kids and hanging out with them! And the rest of the time is going to be spent at my moms work so I am excited!