Thursday, November 22, 2012


What are you thankful for? My list could go on and on! But I don't think you want to sit at your computer for hours ;) so I'll start with 20
1. My great family and friends
2.  My warm bed
3. A computer to blog on ;)
4. A wonderful dance teacher and studio
5. My imagination
6. My creativity
7. Grass and trees
8. Yummy thanksgiving food!
9. My flute
10. Animals
11. The ocean and the beach
12. Music
13. MUSTACHES!!! ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
14.  Paint
15. Blankets and pillows
16. Flowers
17. A church and church family
18. Medicine
19. Fingers and toes
20. Slippers
Thanksgiving is the time to be thankful so send my what your thankful for in a comment and lets share what we are thankful for while we celebrate thanksgiving. It only takes a smile ;)

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful for you, sunshine, music, health, coffee, Jesus love, hope, laughter, warm home, ocean, friends, hot showers, back rubs, and oh yes... slippers on cold days!!
