Friday, October 19, 2012


Once upon time there was a girl named Ginger Pie and she loved pie! She loved pie so much that was all she wanted to eat! "How about some nice yummy oatmeal?"Her mother would ask, "NO NO NO NO NO!" She would scream "ok"her mother would say then how about some delicious wonderful cereal?" "cereal if I eat cereal I will barfeal and you don't want that now do you mothersy darling."
"No of course not darling I want the best for you but you have to eat so...what do you want?"
Ginger got up and started to dance and sing "pie pie pie all I want to eat is pie pie pie!" Her mother sighed but she wanted the best for her daughter so she got up and got her a slice of pie. That was how life went for a while pie was a member of the family!

One day Ginger woke up feeling fine she got up and got dressed and combed her hair then went downstairs for b-fast as she called it. "Good morning honey how are you feeling?" Ginger opened her mouth to say very fine thank you but when she went to speak what came out was "Boston cream pie with cream!" "Oh well we are aufly bossy this morning arent we!" Ginger didnt understand she had tried to say very fine thank you but it hadent worked! She looked up at her mother and tried to say I think there is a problem but what came out was "chocolate creme pie with milk please" "wow her mother replyd you need a lesson on manners but please Ginger make up your mind which pie you want!" Ginger thought well boston cream pie with cream does sound fine so once again she tried to say very fine thank you and she said "Boston cream pie with cream!" "Ok her mother said coming right up." Ginger cobbled down the pie and chugged down the cream. She tried to say "ok Im ready for school" But what really came out was "Raspberry tart pie with juice" "Wow her mother said "dont be this bossy at school you hear! But she prepared that for lunch and they drove to school!

Ginger was puzzled what had happend to her all day long all she could say were types of pie so she wrote a note you see she could still write to her teacher and asked for help she wrote down the case." Oh I see the teacher said well looks like you have got a strong case of piecidus a rare pie desise! Just go home and eat some carrots. So Ginger got home and ate some carrots then told her mom the whole story her mom giggled and said "wow Ginger you have some imagination as she walked away Ginger yelled but I will never eat pie ever again!

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