Sunday, August 19, 2012

First day of school!

I look out the car window at the school and gasp it is so big up close! South Middle School sixth grade! I stumble out of the car my legs as wobbly as jello. South Middle School sixth grade! I begin to walk twards the school wow it is a very big school but it almost looks like everyone is a little...WOAH!!!!!! I got trampled by a big stampede of seventh graders and eigth graders and yells of yo' sup' OMG IS THAT REALY YOU I LOVE YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yes I actuly heard that....scary!) I walked twards the little gym feeling like a kindergardener. I walked in and almost tripped over a texter! I was like aaaaaa untill I found a group of civilized maple grovers and sat down my eyes as big as saucers and my face as pale as snow Scary(south) monster(middle) School!
I hoped that things would calm down as I approched advisory!
Was your first day this crazy? 
Let me know in your comment!
It only takes a smile
pretty in pink 

1 comment:

  1. Wow... sounds like a crazy start to school in just the first five minutes!!! I'm glad you survived and had an awesome first day and week! I'm proud of you! Mom
