Friday, June 8, 2012

Wonderful week!

    This week was a wonderful week! I hung out with some very cute kids from church,  Max is 5 years old Tessa is 4 and Hudson is 2. Their smiley faces always made me laugh. Some smiles this week were when Max decided on the way home from the pool that the man in the parking lot was a soldier because he had a lot of tattoos. We questioned this and his reply was "Oh! I got tattoos and camoflauge mixed up!" 
    Another smile took place when Tessa always asked to sit BY me and Hudson always asked to sit ON me! One more Max smile took place when he randomly asked me if Justin BEAVER was a famous beaver and what he was famous for! I explained the idea of it being Justin Bieber and he was a human singer not a beaver! I love those kids! 
     Some fun things we did this week were... splish splash at the pool (and tell Hudson that he would not get lost forever in the waterfall mushroom!) We ran around and ate at Colby Park. Max found a slingshot (an old/lost headband) and decided it was the perfect booby trap! We made new discoveries at the Science Center and told Tessa the snakes would not bite her! 
     Our last  big adventure was  the Blank Park Zoo! That was a fun yet interesting one. Max was just in awe of the big...giant...PLAYGROUND! Only thing he found fascination in. Tessa found fascination in the door buttons and other things like that. And Hudson found interest in running and trying to attack the sea otters! And you wonder why there is glass protecting our children and animals! But in conclusion I had tons of fun with these cuties and hope you are having a amazing summer too! 
Remember it only takes a smile,
Pretty in pink 

1 comment:

  1. This is by my wonderful Granddaughter!! I'm so proud of her!! She is the light of my life!!
