Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Like The Willow Tree

I just finished the book I was reading called Like The Willow Tree by Lois Lowry and it is on the Iowa children's choice award list for 2012 and 2013 It is a Dear America book and it is the diary of Lydia Amelia Peirce she is fictional but she is writing her diary in the time of 1918 when the spanish influenza rages across europe some background on the influenza is kinda like the flu and so that is spreading around the country and her mom,dad,and little sister from the influenza so her and her older brother are sent to live with their uncle and aunt her aunt is not nice and wants them gone so their uncle brings them to a special farm called the shaker farm on sabathy lake a religous family called the shakers started the farm and they are very religous and have very specific rules and when they first get there they have a ton of surprises including lydias brother runing away read to find out if she will ajust to the rules and if daniel returns!


  1. Sounds interesting, Natalie! Your intro has made me a bit curious. Did her mom, dad and little sister die from the influenza? Did they ever get a chance to leave the Shaker farm or was that their new home forever?

  2. Hi mom!
    I will tell you a little more her mom dad and little sister did die from influeza and you will have to read the book to find out if the shaker farm was her and her brothers home forever or if they both chose to stay or leave or different dicisions!

  3. That must have been a challenging book in some ways as Lydia certainly had some big things to process as a child. I hope she experienced joy amidst life's struggles.

  4. HI mom!
    OH yes she did and she acutaly started to become friends with the girl who took away her
    ~ moms dress
    ~ and Grandmothers necklace
    so she deffinitly started to deal with the challenges and make friends
