Saturday, June 16, 2012

It only takes a smile!

 I am writing a story called It only takes a smile and I am not finished yet gut I thought I would give  a sneak preview out and when I am done you can read the whole thing any relation to any person is  coincidencial this is not a true story!

“Class I would like you to meet Binta Chiku she is joining our class from Kenya in Africa! Binta why dont you tell the class a little bit about yourself”... Hi my name is Binta and I just moved to this place called hollywood! I dont know where that is but it is toataly different from the wonderful life in africa I left. I look very different from lots of my classmates none of the girls have headscares... “Binta”? “Huh? Oh sorry mrs.Becker Hi my name is Binta Chiku and i just moved from lynkamy in kenya africa”. “ No durr”! A Girl in the back row yelled.” Lyndsay”! Mrs. Becker called. “thats no way to talk to our new student what kind of impression are you leaving to Binta”? Mean not nice not a close friend I thought. “What do you have to say for yourself Lyndsay”? “Im sorry” Grumbled Lyndsay. What a snob I thought. Well what a morning I said  aloud  “yea  the first lyndsay is never fun” A girl behind me said “who are you” I said. My name is Nicole and  dont listen to lyndsay she is just wanting to be mean! ok i said thanks for the advice! I will need every bit i can get!your welcome she said Will you sit with me and britt at lunch? Sure i said id love to! That was a good feeling to have someone that has a friend and wants me to sit by them! Crash clatter went the trays 

1 comment:

  1. You have quite the start to your story! I look forward to reading the whole thing. Great blogs by the way.....your life sounds much more interesting than mine:)

    Have a Great day!
