Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Like The Willow Tree

I just finished the book I was reading called Like The Willow Tree by Lois Lowry and it is on the Iowa children's choice award list for 2012 and 2013 It is a Dear America book and it is the diary of Lydia Amelia Peirce she is fictional but she is writing her diary in the time of 1918 when the spanish influenza rages across europe some background on the influenza is kinda like the flu and so that is spreading around the country and her mom,dad,and little sister from the influenza so her and her older brother are sent to live with their uncle and aunt her aunt is not nice and wants them gone so their uncle brings them to a special farm called the shaker farm on sabathy lake a religous family called the shakers started the farm and they are very religous and have very specific rules and when they first get there they have a ton of surprises including lydias brother runing away read to find out if she will ajust to the rules and if daniel returns!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

It only takes a smile!

 I am writing a story called It only takes a smile and I am not finished yet gut I thought I would give  a sneak preview out and when I am done you can read the whole thing any relation to any person is  coincidencial this is not a true story!

“Class I would like you to meet Binta Chiku she is joining our class from Kenya in Africa! Binta why dont you tell the class a little bit about yourself”... Hi my name is Binta and I just moved to this place called hollywood! I dont know where that is but it is toataly different from the wonderful life in africa I left. I look very different from lots of my classmates none of the girls have headscares... “Binta”? “Huh? Oh sorry mrs.Becker Hi my name is Binta Chiku and i just moved from lynkamy in kenya africa”. “ No durr”! A Girl in the back row yelled.” Lyndsay”! Mrs. Becker called. “thats no way to talk to our new student what kind of impression are you leaving to Binta”? Mean not nice not a close friend I thought. “What do you have to say for yourself Lyndsay”? “Im sorry” Grumbled Lyndsay. What a snob I thought. Well what a morning I said  aloud  “yea  the first lyndsay is never fun” A girl behind me said “who are you” I said. My name is Nicole and  dont listen to lyndsay she is just wanting to be mean! ok i said thanks for the advice! I will need every bit i can get!your welcome she said Will you sit with me and britt at lunch? Sure i said id love to! That was a good feeling to have someone that has a friend and wants me to sit by them! Crash clatter went the trays 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Natalie becomes Cathy Barwick

I have been spending the past week at the Des Moines Playhouse learning a play called Yearbook! It is a tradition at the Playhouse and is about going through the stresses and smiles and other things at school! It has been a great week! The part I am playing is a girl named Cathy Barwick. In my scene, I am fearing going to go to take pictures of a certain hallway with a gossiped name of  "the jock block".  Cathy tells her traumatizing dream she had and the scene goes through the whole thing. It is supposed to be overblown! She is in quote "brutally ordered by her yearbook editor to venture down jock block!"She is scared out of her wits. So now she is terrified to go down jock block because of her dream! It has been so fun and I have met a ton of friends. We have rehearsed a ton of lines and are excited to perform Friday afternoon!
Remember, it only takes a smile!
Pretty in Pink!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Wonderful week!

    This week was a wonderful week! I hung out with some very cute kids from church,  Max is 5 years old Tessa is 4 and Hudson is 2. Their smiley faces always made me laugh. Some smiles this week were when Max decided on the way home from the pool that the man in the parking lot was a soldier because he had a lot of tattoos. We questioned this and his reply was "Oh! I got tattoos and camoflauge mixed up!" 
    Another smile took place when Tessa always asked to sit BY me and Hudson always asked to sit ON me! One more Max smile took place when he randomly asked me if Justin BEAVER was a famous beaver and what he was famous for! I explained the idea of it being Justin Bieber and he was a human singer not a beaver! I love those kids! 
     Some fun things we did this week were... splish splash at the pool (and tell Hudson that he would not get lost forever in the waterfall mushroom!) We ran around and ate at Colby Park. Max found a slingshot (an old/lost headband) and decided it was the perfect booby trap! We made new discoveries at the Science Center and told Tessa the snakes would not bite her! 
     Our last  big adventure was  the Blank Park Zoo! That was a fun yet interesting one. Max was just in awe of the big...giant...PLAYGROUND! Only thing he found fascination in. Tessa found fascination in the door buttons and other things like that. And Hudson found interest in running and trying to attack the sea otters! And you wonder why there is glass protecting our children and animals! But in conclusion I had tons of fun with these cuties and hope you are having a amazing summer too! 
Remember it only takes a smile,
Pretty in pink 

Monday, June 4, 2012


Welcome to my blog this is a new experiment for me but I am excited to update you with my agenda and fun stuff!
My summer agenda is something I also wanted to point out it is going to be a little different this year I am not doing ymca camps anymore I will still take acting camps at the Des Moines Playhouse! But out of interest I will also be babysitting some friends kids and hanging out with them! And the rest of the time is going to be spent at my moms work so I am excited!