Saturday, January 5, 2013


Natalie's Newsletter!

This year I turned 12 and started middle school at South Middle School and met a ton of new friends and new responsibilities and even challenges and enemies but God has made me stronger with each bit! I am working on my 6th year of dance at Adel Tumbling and Dance and have begun to teach 1st and 2nd graders. They light up my Monday nights :) We recently went to Georgia to celebrate Christmas with my Nana and Grandpy.  We took pictures at the River Walk (above) and enjoyed just the relaxation and vacation! l I was youth volunteer of  the year at the Waukee Family YMCA teaching swim lessons! We took a trip to Nebraska this summer with friends. I was involved in a play at the Playhouse.  The play was Jungle Book and I was Bagghera the panther! So It has been a crazy year but full of blessings!

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