Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Satisfaction. What does that mean to you? To some people it might mean sitting back with the voice on after a plate of the best cookies you just ate. Or to some people it might mean going to the mall and getting a new outfit and new shoes. Or it might just mean kicking back on the couch and watching a good movie with a good cup of coffee. Well those are great ways to have fun and relax but are you really satisfied when your done? Satisfaction should satisfy your soul (not to be oco toco or anything)
But you should feel really replenished and happy when you are done. Also do you find yourself looking for more? Like you put in an episode of I love Lucy and find yourself watching 4? Or you invite a friend over and when its time to leave you want a sleepover? Well that means that you are unsatisfied by just the 1 episode of tv or the 2 hours you have with your friend it means you want more. Why do you want more because you are unsatisfied! So to satisfy yourself you need to really find enjoyment in what your doing because if you have a really good time with your friend or you laugh your head off while watching I love Lucy you will find yourself more satisfied when you are done. So enjoy life and don't just go looking for more do satisfying things that make you happy :)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

laugh often

You will notice how a lot  of these pictures are funny you may have even laughed and thats good laughter is good in our lives without laughter there would be no humor :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Natalie's Newsletter!

This year I turned 12 and started middle school at South Middle School and met a ton of new friends and new responsibilities and even challenges and enemies but God has made me stronger with each bit! I am working on my 6th year of dance at Adel Tumbling and Dance and have begun to teach 1st and 2nd graders. They light up my Monday nights :) We recently went to Georgia to celebrate Christmas with my Nana and Grandpy.  We took pictures at the River Walk (above) and enjoyed just the relaxation and vacation! l I was youth volunteer of  the year at the Waukee Family YMCA teaching swim lessons! We took a trip to Nebraska this summer with friends. I was involved in a play at the Playhouse.  The play was Jungle Book and I was Bagghera the panther! So It has been a crazy year but full of blessings!